Azumanga Daioh Wiki

Mr. Ayase (Japanese: 綾瀬家の父 Ayase-ke no Chichi) is the father of the Ayase sisters who is almost never at home, at least during the workweek. While his profession is not revealed, it appears consistent with the life of a salaryman. Asagi frequently teases him about his constant absence, even sometimes mentioning him in the past tense as if he were dead, but he otherwise has good relationships with the rest of the family. He has a very laid-back and sentimental personality.

While Asagi is shown to be like her mother, Mr. Ayase more closely resembles Fuuka. He appreciates her jokes more than anyone else, and they also seem to have a similar way of thinking. The interaction between Asagi and Fuuka is also sometimes reminiscent of the interaction between their parents. He also thinks that Ena is similar to him.
